Thursday, July 22, 2010

The whistle blows and we were off!

Well, today was our first official day of running...oops, MY official first day of running.  Oscar is in tip top shape but he doesn't crack any wise jokes when I start huffing and puffing.  You want that in a running partner if you are REALLY out of shape.  Tyler and Oscar have been doing a good job being my trainers.  They have been trying to get my mind right for about a week, we made a schedule last night and while Tyler was pushing on me to wake up and go, Oscar was intermittently licking my face.  So I got up.  Dog breath covered face and all, I dusted off my shoes and flicked some crunchies out of my eyes.  As usual, once I got outside and smelled the fresh air and saw the sun it was kind of nice!  I love looking at yards in the mornings when the dew is on the grass and the flowers start opening up. 
So we walked a few minutes (Oscar already ran 4.5 miles with Tyler so he was fine with walking a bit) and then started our run 2 minutes, walk one minute.  It felt good and we bumped it up to run 3, walk 2.  That is plenty challenging enough for me right now and easy enough that I won't get too sore or quit (hopefully).  We did this plan for 30 minutes and towards the end, I was basically just clucking around.  Oscar stopped to pee in the street and then we made our way back to the big hill that we like to sprint up.  My next run is Thursday morning so cheers to completing the first day.  And yes ladies--I would love to get a copy of your training plans that worked for you...I don't think any of you were ever as out of shape as me so I may have to wait a couple months before I could use them but I love hearing what works for different people!  So please email them to me!! 
Current schedule: Tuesday AM run 30 min, Thursday AM run 30 min, Saturday cross-train (anything I want) and Sunday long run 45 minutes for now. 
6 week goal:  Run 3 miles without walking
3 month goal:  Run 5 miles, without walking


  1. First...GIRL, you are talking to the queen of out of shape. It's been years since I have followed a workout plan of any kind. I would still put myself in that category, even though I have been running since February. My diet is poor at best (I would love to change this) and right now, my running is sporadic because I lack motivation. In my hood, there are fast runners. I simply am not. It's discouraging all the way around. But I will press on! I look forward to following your journey!

  2. wowza i'm tired just reading that! congrats on your hard work. and you know the payoff will be a big one. i wish i was thinking about how i could push myself for some more movement but instead i'm thinking about the chicken salad from your last blog post :)
