Monday, July 26, 2010

Quote(s) of the Day

When you think about the fundamental principles behind things like saving money, losing weight, getting organized, the list goes on...the bottom line is its just simple.  To save money you spend less/save more.  To lose weight you eat less/move more.  So its really more of getting your head right and committing.  We all have the things that are most important to us and those are the ones you should really commit to.  The top two items on my list are being the best mom and wife I can be.  If I fail at everything I try but succeed at these, I will be eternally satisfied.  Of course I want to do well at other things.  I want to be good at sewing, organizing my house, making good use of our money and maybe even running.  But the bottom line is the one thing my whole heart is in without wavering are my roles at home.  It is the most important and most rewarding and poses the most negatives if I fail.  However, the tools you need to succeed at being a mom and wife don't cost money and I think you would really have to try to fail!  Don't get me wrong, all good things take work but it's so worth it!   I saw the quote below from "Mission of Motherhood" and loved it. 
"The fundamental mission of motherhood now is the same as it always was: to nurture, protect, and instruct children, to create a home environment that enables them to learn and grow, to develop a heart for God and his purposes, and to send them out into the world prepared to live both fully and meaningfully." Sally Clarkson,  "Mission of Motherhood"
and one more...
“If there is anything we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves. ” Carl Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychologist


  1. LOVE both quotes and that fabulous picture!!!

  2. What a stunning photo of you and your sweet girl! So pretty!
