Monday, July 19, 2010


I'm not really a pitiful kind of person...I usually don't feel sorry for myself or get all depressed.  I wear lemon colored glasses so it is usually sunny in my life:)  But just like everyone else every once in awhile I throw a pity will remember my last one when all of my best friends decided to move away.  My recipe for curing a bad case of pity party is always thinking about what I am thankful for.  So I try to make a list of things and I usually come up with so many that I don't even remember I was throwing a pity party!!  My baby girl isn't feeling so well the past two days.  Her tummy isn't quite adjusted to whole milk so she is getting to the point she doesn't really want to eat:(  Bless her heart.  We are still down to one car and Tyler had to be at the airport at 5 am this morning so I decided not to get the icky feeling baby up to take him so we are car-less today.  Our house is hot because our air conditioner is only big enough for a 1850 sf., home.  Our home is 2300 sf., and it is 150 degrees outside so the math just doesn't work out.  So here are a few things I am thankful for:

My baby has never been sick in her almost one year of life, in fact she isn't even sick now, just not feeling as great as usual.  I am so thankful for our beautiful, sweet, happy girl and what she has brought to our lives, there will never be a way for me to express in words how she has enriched our lives. 

We have a car.  A nice car.  I get to be a stay at home mom so its OK to stay home sometimes!  So sharing a car temporarily is not that big of a deal!  My errands can wait until tomorrow and it will provide plenty of time to snuggle my "under the weather" beauty.  I am thankful for our car and thankful my husband is a great steward of our money so he is patiently looking for the right car for us at the right price. 

I am thankful we have a lovely home to live in and that we have air conditioning.  I love the charm this house has and sometimes you just have to deal with things like air conditioners when you live in an old home that happens to be in a very HOT state!  I am so very thankful we have the means to replace our not so great air conditioner. 

I am incredibly thankful for our village.  Our family and friends are the best anyone could ask for.  We celebrated our anniversary this weekend while Paige got to spend some quality time with her grandparents.  She also gets to spend time with her unc and aunt so mommy and daddy can go on date nights every once in awhile.  I am thankful we have family close by!

I love crafts!  I love that Janet loves crafts and DIY projects.  I REALLY love that she is actually good at it and doesn't seem to mind teaching me!  She is incredibly talented at decorating, putting things together and sewing.  We are working on my kitchen windows now and my goodness they are going to be gorgeous!!  It took me a long time to pick the fabric because I really wanted some very specific elements and colors.  I had an idea of what I wanted design-wise but Janet came up with something FAR better!  I can't wait to share pics of them with you!!  I am so thankful to have her in my life for far more reasons than crafts and sewing. 

I feel better just 5 minutes I came up with a zillion things to be thankful for and they obviously outweigh a few bummers.  What are you thankful for??  I am sure the list is much longer than your bummer list!  I wish you all a happy day and rejoice in your blessings! 


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