Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sweet & Sassy, Fat & Happy...Healthy as can Be!! 9 Months

Well, I came up with this title BEFORE our checkup this morning.  Dr. McMuscles says our little Ham Bone has not gained enough weight this checkup.  In fact, I need to verify but I think she has stayed the exact same since our last checkup.  The good news is, she has always been a big girl so she is by no means under weight.  Since she started crawling (right after Christmas) she hasn't stopped moving.  I am certain her climbing, crawling, walking behind toys, dancing and singing has caused her to burn LOTS more calories than she used to!  Looks like she may have mommy's metabolism (YAY!).  But we are going to follow doc's orders and make sure she eats more.  Other than that, she is right on track!  Knock on wood, we have only been to the doctor for Well Baby Checks thus far and I hope to get us past her one year mark without any illnesses!!  Here are some fun facts:
  • You currently weigh 18 pounds, 15 ounces and are 29 inches long
  • Singing & Dancing are the most favorite past times (doesn't matter if it's toys, mommy singing or music videos on TV--you will break into dance for any music--well, we both do)
  • There is not a food you do not like! Baby food, big people food, sweet food, DOG food and you LOVE to share my bottled water with me!  You even immitate me drinking it when I have the cap screwed on nice and tight!
  • You are such a great sleeper!  You go to bed about 8:30 pm and wake about 7 am with a grin from ear to ear!  You start looking for daddy and oscar as soon as I snatch you up!
  • You and Oscar often trade toys when I'm not looking.  For some reason you both prefer each others toys.  I guess I will start taking you to PetsMart and him to BabiesRUs:)  
  • You don't have any teeth yet so mommy is looking into getting you a set of baby dentures
  • You walk along all of the furniture, behind your toys and love to climb on mommy and Oscar.  We are pretty sure you will be walking in less than a month. 
  • You know your name and who mommy, daddy and "bubba" are.  When you see daddy when he gets home from work, it is the happiest moment of your day!  "DADADADADADADADADADADADA!"
  • Your hair is the most beautiful shade of blonde and is getting so long! 
  • You LOVE people and show off for everyone we pass by!  You also get SOOO excited when someone rings the doorbell.  So no sign of stranger anxieties but you do prefer mommy when you get a boo boo and at bedtime.
  • You still love "Itsy Bitsy Spider" but your new favorite song is "It's Raining Paigie's"
  • Your favorite book is Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton--you love the part when mom says "OOPS!"
EDIT:  I said above that Paige started crawling "right after Christmas"...Well, that was a big lie.  I just saw that again and realized that she did in fact start crawling right after leaving my parents house but it was not at Christmas it was after our trip in just in case anyone does the math, I did not have a crawling 4 month old on my hands...
Well, if its not obvious already, we are so in love with our sweet girl!  She is the light of our life and such a joy.  Here are a few photos my friend, Tanda took that are just to DIE for..and I'm not just saying that because my baby is in the pics:)  If she ever decides to do this for a living, I will send you ALL her details! 


  1. Such cute pictures! Miss Paige looks like a healthy girl, I can't imagine how many calories a a standing/crawling/laughing/dancing baby can burn in one day. I especially can't imagine because I just have a sitting/rolling/snacking/belly rubbing/buddha baby.

  2. Yay for baby Paige. She is so precious and we love her very much. Great update post!
