Friday, May 14, 2010

Recipe of the (yester) day!

Thursday was an interesting day...or was it Wednesday??  Paige is by definition a dream baby...since she is my first I have nothing to compare her to.  I didn't grow up playing with lots of babies or babysitting tiny babies so my only knowledge of babies is from reading and from other mothers.  During my pregnancy, I was given lots of advice...advice from friends, family, strangers, co-workers, a man at Home Depot (ha!) and my doctor--who happens to be a man.  Lots of great advice, in fact, I love advice if the delivery is right.  But the thing that came up most was preparing for the lack of sleep and as my doc referred to it "Baby Bootcamp".  It was a little scary, I'm not going to I did what any intelligent, young pregnant woman would do...I started taking lots of naps to prepare!  Well, Paige came and sure she got up to eat every two hours but she went right back to sleep and at 3 months + 1 week, she started sleeping for at least 10 hours a night.  There was ONE night that we had to walk around rocking her, taking turns...she wasn't crying, just wide awake and wanting to be held.  We were wore smooth out by 1 am.  Really??  Just a few short years ago it was nothing for us to stay up until 1 am. That is until Wednesday night!  For some reason I decided to be a night owl...that NEVER happens.  If I make it until 10 pm it is a modern day miracle!  At 11:30 I decide to head to bed and as soon as my sweet little head hit my pillow I hear my dumpling.  I went to check on her and she was wide awake!  She stayed up until 3:30 am playing with me in her room then crashing.  I thought for sure that we would sleep in but Tyler locked himself out and had to start ringing the doorbell so I could let him in...grrrrr....BUT luckily for me, morning nap would come soon enough and I would be partaking!!  Before I went off to dreamland, I decided I had better eat and in a delirious state, I came up with a delectable sandwich for lack of better description.  Here is how it went:

The CobbWich

1/2 avocado
sliced turkey deli meat
swiss cheese or blue cheese
diced red onion
wrap-I used a Mission Sun-dried tomato wrap
drizzle of honey mustard or any dressing you like

I had no intentions of this becoming such a wonderful lunch but as I started putting it together I realized it looked just like a Cobb Salad minus the lettuce!  I heated the wrap on a pan and put the swiss cheese on so it would get melty and then just layered each of the ingredients.  It was too full to wrap up but I folded in both sides and ate it kind of like a slice of pizza.  It was sooo yummy and didn't need any chips or anything.  After wolfing it down, I was off to dreamland for a few hours waking up full and rested...Long story short...there really isn't anything in my life that can't be solved with a great sammy and a nap!  For awhile I thought, "are moms just dramatic and whiny?!?!"  Nope, we just got extremely lucky and will probably be WAY to scared to have baby #2!!!!!!!!!!!  HAHAHAHAHA

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