Saturday, May 15, 2010

A day late and $1 short...

Working on a new layout so I can catalog my recipes for my future use and organize my other topics into category tabs...wishing I would have paid a TAD more attention in my computer classes in college...I will figure it out sooner or later (probably later) but it was really funny a second ago when I uploaded a new "skin" to my page and it was great!  Just what I was looking for!  Only to see a half dressed blonde girl in some of the recipes and posts were there but everything on the side bars were her...WEIRD!  Luckily I was able to delete it quicker than I was able to post it!!!  I would hate for someone to glance over my page quickly and think that was me!!!  YIKES!!  This is a WHOLESOME blog peeps!! 
Who would have thought when I was faking my way through writing code and web design that I would have ever had a blog?!?!  Miss Independent at 21 so irritated I had to take that class because when in the world would I ever use this in the REAL WORLD?  Hmmm...jokes on me folks!  Most things are like that though, at least for me.  There is a point to all the nonsense of high school and college...well, besides Geometry (Sorry Mrs. Hammock)...I still don't think I have come up with a real life application for the Isosceles Triangle...but it may come up in sewing so stay tuned on that one.  grrr


  1. I'm having trouble with my tabs too. I can't get them to link without showing the typed title of the page along with the tag, if that makes any sense. If you figure it out let me know! Love the new bright colors!

  2. Love the new layout on the blog!! SOO cute!!
