Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Food for Thought...

Every once in awhile I like to bake. I don't really have a sweet tooth so it isn't very often I dream of eating chocolate...I love the idea of it and the smells and the smile on someone's face when they are devouring something warm, sweet and delicious...but for me, I would 9 times out of 10 choose a big, hearty meal. I also have a tendency to tweek recipes or fail to measure with accuracy which works fine with enchiladas but not baking! But I stumbled onto a new favorite cooking blog ( and have been perusing lots of her recipes. I love her pictures, writing style and lets face it...recipe for homemade poptarts--one of my most favorite things! I came across this Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake recipe and have had my heart set on making it.

While chatting with my friend Kim today she said "I want my kids to always remember how delicious my cooking is and hope it always brings them home!" Yes!! That's what its all about isn't it?!?! Everytime I think about going to visit my grandmas the first thing I think about is what they would fix to eat!! My grandma Kay would make Scott and I HUGE breakfasts served on fancy dishes on the patio. We would sip our orange juice out of wine glasses and eat until our hearts (and bellies) content. Nanny made the most amazing family lunches, took me to farmers markets, grew her own garden and made every kind of Christmas candy imaginable! She would also make me hamburger helper when I was sick--even if I wanted it at 7 am. The point is, I want my sweet girl to always look forward to her mom's cooking! And when she is off at college and has a long, hard week to know that she can come home and be spoiled rotten with love and yummy food!

So after my conversation with Kim, I was inspired to get to my chocolate cake...if I am going to win my daughter over through her belly I better get a start on my baking skills!! Oh, did I mention I also never make anything pretty...I just don't have it in me...I'm not artistic or patient...or Martha Stewart like. But none the less, the cake is AMAZING and I got more excited as I whipped through each step...then when I put the final touch (chocolate peanut butter glaze) it was supposed to ever so perfectly drip all over the cake ??? Hmmm...nope mine globbed...but my hubs and babe thought it was the best thing they had ever tasted!!! WIN!!

So whatever your motives are for cooking or baking...if you like chocolate and/or peanut butter, this one is for YOU!!

WARNING: This is not a quick, throw together kind of MUST be in the mood and with cooling times and different steps does take quite awhile but so worth it!

Here is the link to the recipe and her beautiful photos!!

Thank you to my friend, Jordan for teaching me how to make a photo collage!! :)
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  1. um this cake looks amazing. I will take a small summer salad and a large piece of cake please? What time should I arrive for lunch?

  2. That looks AMAZING! My two favorite things - chocolate and peanut butter :) Mmmm..

    I'm right there with you - I want Sam to rave over his mommy's cooking :) Cute blog!

  3. Ahh..I'm so glad you are back to the blogging world!!! I miss talking to you everyday at work! At least this way I can keep up with what's going on with you and your precious little family!

    By the way..I am SO impressed with your baking skills-that cake looks DE-LICIOUS!!
