Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bartering/Sharing/Exchanging of Goods and Services

Wikipedia says...Bartering is a medium in which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods and/or services without a medium of exchange, such as money. It can be bilateral or multilateral, and usually exists parallel to monetary systems in most developed countries, though to a very limited extent. Barter usually replaces money as the method of exchange in times of monetary crisis, when the currency is unstable and devalued by hyperinflation.
Bartering is an ingenious method of exchanging goods or services, especially if you don't have unlimited amounts of money!  Its really not just about the money either. What if you are in a pinch and need a babysitter?!  Don't know how to garden?!  Have a small DIY project but can't justify buying all the tools to complete it?!  Going on a day trip and need someone to check on your pooch?!  These are just a few things that come to my mind that would be awesome opportunities for bartering!  You probably already do this with certain things and don't realize it. 
My friend Kim and I have been doing it for years...we don't call it bartering, its just part of the friendship package.  We have helped each other move, paint, rip out tile, garden, install patio lights, cook, babysit, books, baby name it!  Most recently my family has been reaping the rewards of her children's toy collections.  Her kids are older and her youngest isn't quite ready for the toys her older two have outgrown.  Well, Paige is the perfect age to enjoy them and return right in time for their youngest to enjoy!  Not only are toys expensive but baby toys take up A LOT of space!  Since we plan on having another baby (sometime in the distant future) we don't really want to get rid of stuff but the attic gets full quickly!  So Kim gets a break from it at her house, we get to enjoy for awhile and then we return it when we outgrow.  Baby shoes are another thing we have borrowed from Kim...they are so cute but so expensive and are outgrown so darn fast!  I am a sucker for cute things but shoes I just can't justify!  Kim's oldest is a girl and we have benefited from her beautiful shoe collection! 
I really want to be more proactive in bartering.  I have heard girls talking about getting together with their friends and bringing clothes, shoes, purses, etc., they want to trade and everyone goes home with something "new" and fun!  Household items would also be good!  That picture on your wall that just doesn't go with your new sofa may look great at someone else's house while their mirror might be just right in your entry way.  Even exchanging meals with a few girls once a week to add a little variety to dinnertime and keeping you from running to the closest takeout joint! 
Wouldn't it be great to be able to limit the amount of money you spend on services while being able to help out your friends with something you are talented and passionate about??  Sewing, gardening, photography, babysitting, cleaning, organizing, home projects, party planning, decorating, you name it!  Everyone is good at something so if you think about what you are good at and then think of your friends and probably know someone that can do just about anything you can dream up! 
What are some ideas you have for bartering?  Do your friends and family have some great bartering tips?  I am going to make an effort to incorporate more of this into my life and will try to remember to post about my successes!  Don't get discouraged if you don't always have something to offer the other person...if someone does something for you and you don't have something to immediately offer them, think of things they are collecting, wishing for, need...snatch it up for them the next time you think about it and it will make their day (and butter them up for helping you again soon:) )!!
Happy Bartering!!!

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