Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Miss Personality-19 months!

It amazes me how grown up Paige seems.  The other day she was running around the house naked after her bath and she peed in the floor and she looked at me sooo upset and said, "Sowwy Mommy!!" Her apology was filled with so much sincere emotion and I was taken off guard.  For one, she has never been in trouble for peeing in the floor since it is actually MY fault and two, I haven't worked with her that much on "sorry".

With that said, it is more and more clear to me each and every day what a positive environment I have to foster for my young pup!  She is the most absorbent sponge and I want to fill her up with so much good stuff!  I let her explore everything in the house-she can play in the cabinets, pantry, my closet, the yard...everywhere.  This is her school and I want her to learn! 

She likes to pick out outfits and shoes and bows and...accessories.  As you will see from the photographs, she is quite creative!

She talks all of the time and literally repeats everything I say.  She asks about all of her relatives almost every day.  We talk about them--mostly nice things:)  and we look at pictures of them!  We read a ton of books but the colors, shapes, letters books are definitely her favorite.  She likes to read them to me by telling me all of the items in the books.

I love her passion for learning and spend so much time lately making sure I come up with lots of creative activities and lessons in the house and out and about to keep her going! 
She is such a good eater!  Almost every morning she begs for green peas.  At first I would look at her confused and get out fruit then it hit me...if P wants veggies, give her veggies!!!  I hope she continues to eat her fruits and veggies so well!!  She feeds her pears to Oscar-apparently they are not that appealing to her but I guess he needs to set a good example and get his 3 a day as well:).
I love watching her play with her "babies" and animals.  It shows me a glimpse of what kind of mommy I am because she acts out like I do.  She loves on them, speaks softly, feeds them snacks and drinks of her milk and it is the most precious thing ever.  Now, I have also realized I am not all sugar and cocoa puffs...when Oscar is doing something wrong, she gets a very gruff loud voice!  I am working on that...it is definitely not very becoming!!  HAHAHA 

Our 24 pound catfish is so full of life, spunk, individuality, love, passion and so much more.  We have no idea what we did to deserve her but are so very thankful.  She lights up our world. 

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