Monday, March 14, 2011

The Bet

What a beautiful weekend~!  We spent a lot of time outside at the park, at the lake, in our yard, on the patio eating...pure bliss!  So just to recap in photos before I get to the main meat of this are a few snapshots of Paige throughout the weekend...notice what she never leaves home without at least one pair of...



 So lets pick up with Sunday late afternoon.  Our family decides to head on over to Outback for dinner.  It was a little chilly so Paige grabbed a jacket, picked out her own bow(s) and shoes and had me help her get it ALL on.  By the time she got into the car she had on two different leopard prints, stripes, lace, bright flowers and a pair of sunnies.  Since I promote individuality and dress a little eccentric myself, I was perfectly fine with her choices.  Once we get into the restaurant, P sits in her high chair and she keeps all of her accessories on!  After our cheese fries came Tyler decides to make a bet with his daughter.  I knew he was horrible at gambling but what came out of his mouth was ridiculous, even for him!  If Vegas had odds for this bet I assure you they would not be in Tyler's favor.  Here is what came out of his mouth:
"Paige, if you leave those sunnies on the rest of the time we are at the restaurant, I will buy you a Mercedes Benz when you turn 16." 
Hmmm, with most kids this would be a fairly easy bet to win.  Most kids aren't obsessed with sunnies...but, HIS kid is!!!!  Paige won the bet and is anxiously awaiting her sweet 16 birthday bash when her dad unveils her prize!  She printed out this photo below to hang on her bulletin board in her room and wrote a caption on top that says:  "This ride is miiiiiiiiiine!! Jokes on you DAD"

Unfortunately this is probably what will be under the big, red bow in 14.5 years:
or a smart car that doesn't go over 45 mph...
I told Tyler on the drive home that I would commemorate his first bet with his daughter on the blog as to provide a permanent reminder of this bet. 

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