Tuesday, October 4, 2011

200th Post~!!!!

Wow, 200 posts!!  I feel like that is a lot for the past 2.5 years when I started this little blog!  I love looking back at our families memories and it has been especially fun looking back on my last pregnancy and preparing to bring our first child into the world, making some big life decisions on whether to work or stay home, and watching our life transform into a bigger family!  I can hardly wait to share the newest member of our family with you but it will have to be a little later...she is still a little medium...we like our babies nice and well done if possible!  (Okay, that sounds a little disturbing...)

To commemorate this 200th post I'd like to represent some of the things that are most important to me.  Faith, Family, Friendships, Food (don't laugh-it really is!), Traveling, my puppy dog, Love, Being true to myself, Cherishing others, having a Gracious and Giving heart-and fostering that in my little ones, and constantly Growing as a wife, mother, friend and Jesus follower. 

Crafting is something I have really taken to since I've been a stay at home mom.  For one, I think its kind of natural when you become a mother to start getting into glue guns, paint and all that.  I also love sewing and being able to create homemade gifts for those I cherish.  I never plan to be a master sewer or sell items I make, its more of a hobby and sharing something I love with close friends.  Now that I have more time on my hands, I have been able to search out items for our home and bring new life to them.  It is actually quite rewarding, saves money and generally looks great!! I love this quote I saw on Martha Stewart today..."Embrace imperfections in handmade crafts." 
Here is a very special baby clearly enjoying the quilt I made her....Ok, maybe she is enjoying her mom and brother but I will tell myself its the blanket:)!!  I love this girl and her family very much!!  Her mommy and I had our first babies around the same time and have done two bible studies together over the past couple of years.  She is a cherished friend!!

I love being apart of special times in my friends lives! Here are some special friends and events from this summer!
Chelsea's Wedding Day!!!  
April's Wedding Shower!

I love my furry son more than I could ever say!  He makes us feel safe, loved, and as silly as it sounds has taught us a lot about "special needs". 
I love my hubby so very much!  I love that he loves me exactly the way I am, that he always tells me what a great mother I am to his girls and is constantly building me up-and he means it! I couldn't have chosen a better man to spend my life with and be the daddy to my children!  I love that we have a clipping of a malnourished horse on our fridge that he put as a reminder for me to donate to this very sad cause.  He is the only person I know that loves animals more than me! 
Oh how I love my girls...they are my heart.  I pour my whole self into them and always will as long as I have breath to breathe.  My life was transformed when I became a mother and I am so grateful and blessed each and every day I have with them. 

I Love that there is a little person growing inside me!~  I love that Paige tells everyone that Jesus gave this baby to us.  He did!  We won't let him down on choosing us as her family!  She only has a short time left in her temporary cabana.  Here is a shot of her current living quarters (32 weeks).
I don't really have any travel pics or food pics that haven't previously been shared on this blog, but I will be making Apricot Chicken for dinner which I remembered about when cruising my own blog recipes:)!!  And as for traveling...well, its getting a little tough to do that as preggo as I am but I am currently dreaming up places we will go next summer so stay tuned!! 

I hope you have enjoyed some of these 200 posts and will stick around to find out what happens in the next 200 posts!!! 

(My goal for this post was to touch on all of the subjects-labels-I have in this blog...I got most of them so sorry if its a little confusing following my nonsense:) )


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