Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Journal is a Labor of Love

Over the past few months there has been an overwhelming message everywhere I go to "write it down"!  From church, to TV, to friends and family to my own conversations with myself.  A few weeks ago-maybe Mother's Day at Church-the message was about writing things down.  Blessings, answered prayers, prayer requests, etc.  Its such a great idea.  Reminds us to be thankful for answered prayers, realizing unanswered prayers were actually answered prayers in disguise and remembering to keep praying for those prayer needs not yet met. 
Yesterday I saw a Father's Day re-run of Oprah I haven't ever seen and I was sobbing!  The story that got to me was a soldier that had a baby on the way and he was deployed to Iraq.  His sweet wife sent him one of those legacy journals that kind of help you along and give you some topic ideas to write down for your family.  In his case, his unborn son.  This soldier was able to take two weeks of leave right after the baby boy was born and the family had an amazing time.  One month before his deployment was up though, this soldier was killed in a roadside bomb.  This journal along with a letter titled "A Soldier's Letter to His Son" is what he leaves behind for his son to know him.  My dad spent 30 years in the Air Force and more times than not I was praying hundreds of prayers a day that he would come home safe to us.  He did, each and every time. Thank you Jesus!  But I can relate to this woman and the steps she took to protect her husbands legacy.  Of course she could have told her son all about his dad had he not written in this journal but the things a person writes down are their own personal, deep thoughts that can't be told by anyone else in the world, no matter how well you know them. 
Tyler and I probably won't die in a roadside bomb but as grim as it sounds we don't know when we will go.  I want our children to always know how much we love them, the hopes and dreams we have for them, the prayers we pray over them, our deepest thoughts, concerns and unconditional love we have for them.  I want them to know about us, about their childhood and special memories, traditions, recipes, pets, family members and funny stories. 
This blog is a gift to our children.  Its a journal of our lives that they will have forever.  I love sharing with friends and family and really enjoy reading other blogs too but it has always been my main purpose to make a record for our children.  Paige is already obsessed with it!  She climbs in my lap when she sees it pulled up on the computer and asks for certain pictures to be pulled up.  "Haircut!!" "Boppy!!!!"  "Nonny!!!"  "Pappy's Truck!!!"  "Mommy!" "Bubba!"   "Again!"  Its so sweet and I can't wait until she reads stories of her life, my pregnancy with her and everything in between! 
Sometimes I get tired of blogging or just don't have anything to say but after little reminders like yesterday, I realize how important it is!  So if you have children, keep a notebook, journal, blog, something to write down all of the good stuff for them to really know you!  Someday it will be worth more than gold!!!!!!!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I needed that. I've been contemplating whether or not I should quit blogging or start my blog over. I don't have kids to blog about and I feel like no one really relates to or cares about what I am saying most of the time. On the other hand, I try to say too much in fear of offending people or people thinking I'm odd...which I am. I just need to remember that even though I don't necessarily have kids to blog for, that recording the memories of our lives is still important in some way.
