Friday, June 10, 2011

"I Pee in the Potty Like Mommy!!!"

Reader beware! If you don't care to read about the happenings in the Beaver Bathroom feel free to click away now!!  Don't worry...there won't be any photos!  Now for the three of you is what's been happening in our transition from pampers to potty!!!
When Paige was about 17 months old we decided to purchase a child sized potty that sings a little song if you take care of any business inside! I had no intentions of having my baby potty trained by 18 months or anything but I did want to start talking about pottying, let her check out her new thrown and ask any questions she may have for awhile.  We talked, we played, we used it as a step ladder and then one day around 18 months she started pulling her pants down and sitting on the potty when I would use the restroom.  Her potty sits right next to ours...for your visual pleasure:) 
She didnt actually make any music for awhile but I was pleased she was acting out the motions and was putting it all together.  One day, I was putting on makeup and the song played for the first time!!!  I was kind of confused because I didn't know where the music was coming from then realized Paige took care of business for the first time on the potty!!!!  We had a huge celebration and from then on she has loved peeing in the potty--recreationally, not exclusively. 
For about a month or maybe a little longer, we have been wearing panties at home.  Interestingly enough, as thin as they are they soak up about any potty that is the result of an accident while giving the sensation of wet and uncomfortable! She rarely has an accident when we are home because she does not like being wet and she has learned when she needs to potty and can hold it the 30 seconds it takes to get to the potty!  We are so proud of her and are pretty confident she will be out of the diapers by her birthday--fingers crossed!! 
Yesterday was another big milestone.  Although she has been doing amazing with "peepee" she is very reluctant to take care of #2 on the potty.  She always tells me its time, I put her on the potty, she thinks about it, then asks for a diaper.  Well, while I was cleaning up the kitchen yesterday, she asked to go potty so I took her to the powder bath for her to use the big potty...she likes using the big ones sometimes.  She kept telling me she wasn't done so I told her I was going to go empty the dishwasher while she finished.  She remained on the potty for a few minutes and I kept checking to see if she was done...nope.  Finally she got a little irritated and asked for a diaper.  I told her to hang on and then went to get her.  Just as I was about to take her off the big potty, she made it happen!!!!  She looked terrified!!! As I see the fright in her eyes I start throwing a big celebration telling her how good she did and she did it just like mommy and daddy!!!  Her frown turned upside down and she was soooo happy!  When she went to flush (her favorite activity) she said, "Mommy!! There's dirt in the potty! Yuck!" I tried explaining it was #2 but she kept saying "It's dirt!"
I do apologize for all of the details but this is really for Paige when she grows up and start teaching her babies to pee pee on the potty so I want her to know every last detail...and to embarrass her when she brings home boys daddy doesn't like:) 
Now all of this so far is great and wonderful but the hard part for me (and probably every other mom) is getting from this point to full blown potty trained.  What do I do when we are at Wal-Mart for an hour? Their potties are grossioly and I won't even use them so how can I put my precious offspring on the germ battlefield!??!  What if she needs to go while we are driving and there isn't a good stopping point for several miles?!  What if we are at a park that has no restrooms?!  Basically, Paige is what I have coined as Home/Day potty trained.  I am not even concerned about night time yet...I can't imagine her tiny bladder could hold it 9 hours but as we have been potty training, her diapers are less and less wet in the mornings so that will work itself out...but Day/Out-and-About is what I am concerned with right now.  Do I stay home for the next month?  Can't do that we will starve and go mad all at the same time!!  Feel free to email me your tested secrets for this last bit of potty training!!  Can't wait to save $25 a week on diapers!!!! 
Oh...Paige is also potty training her cabbage patch doll. She occassionally takes her baby into the restroom, removes her diaper and sits her on the potty to take care of business!  Then she tells her "Good Girl!!!"  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA  Will follow-up later as to the success of the dolls potty training.  Stay tuned... 

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Paige! So proud of you!!!
    Here are a few tips/things we do:
    Everyone has to at least try to potty BEFORE leaving the house. If girls have to go at Target, etc., we line the public potty heavily with toilet paper. For longer road trips, I initially put Ashby in a pull up just in case. She was staying dry, so we stopped that. We pull over regularly (she came make it all the way to Tulsa now and not need to go.) I also keep a tiny plastic potty from Ikea in the car with us. It's come in handy a couple of times. I would also suggest a package of Clorox wipes as well. :)
