Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Flashback To the Past on our backyard Jungle...

Tyler and I were looking through some pictures from two summers ago and were in utter shock at how crazy our backyard looked!!  Here is a walk down memory lane...
Well, this is the home of the new herb garden...scary isn't it!  I hated this weird shrub/tree thing.  It had lots of little babies that were growing all inside this flower bed and they were brutal to rip out!  Tyler finally got all the gross stuff ripped out and I had tree guy cut down the tree last fall.  

Here you can see our old fence which was being held up by cynder blocks and weeds.  In this second picture is the flowerbed Oscar loves to graze in.  It is a half moon lined with shrubs in the back and monkey grass around the front.  The alien growing out of it had sunflowers and lots of HUGE weeds.

This wasn't so bad but included it so Tyler can see all his hard work!  This is along the house.  I have a couple ideas for this area. 

Oscar's Pine Tree jungle...thankfully there was a tree disease that swooped the area last year and ALL of this is gone.  It is a clean slate.  We have sod coming next week where we haven't had grass and my magnolia shrub will be planted basck here in the blank slate!  We also have a dream of a playhouse for Paige back here soon! 

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