Thursday, September 8, 2011

29 weeks!

Sheesh!  Our little nugget is baking away to perfection!  She has been on quite a few adventures recently!  I will blog in more detail about our GRAND adventure across the country all the way to Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana later (when I have more energy) but it was our last big hoorah before our little baby comes! 
Finally a photo I did not take myself! Only 7 months later...outside a really cool coffee shop in Lander, WY
I loved all of these quotes on the wall in a shop in Jackson Hole so I had Janet snap a pic...
Paige was real irritated she was not in the pic so she got herself out of her stroller and asked Nonny to take her photo in the same spot:)
At our checkup yesterday she was measuring exactly on schedule, her heart sounded like angels playing bells in perfect rhythm and I believe all of our blood work, shots and glucose test were great as well.  All of that took it out of me though, I kind of felt like I was going to have the baby last night!  I think I just got a little dehydrated from the no eat/drink rule for the test then got busy when I got home playing catch up that I just over did it. 
Funny of the appointment:  First of all, I have a new nurse.  I am one of those people that likes things to stay the same, unless said same is no good.  Kind of like an old lady, I have an old soul people.  So-Blanca--my old nurse who is slightly rough on the edges but whom I have grown to love over the past 4 years, went to the heart hospital so I now have Shannon.  A cute, bubbly blond with no sharp edges and is a huge ding-bat.  I mean that in a nice way.  But it was obvious as I watched her wandering the halls and calling patients by random names and all of these hormonal women are so confused, it was obvious it is going to take her some time.  I miss Blanca who always argues with me that the pee in my body cannot weigh 5 pounds and no she will not subtract that from my weight no matter how hard I beg or how much stuff out of my purse I offer her. 
So Shannon forgets to weigh me which of course I do not remind her but of course she remembers...we go to the scale, I sigh and she tells me I have a great weight and even on her best diet she could never weigh that and she isn't even 7 months pregnant.  A real sweetie, right?  Well, she accidentally makes a "0" look like an "8" so when Dr. Drill Sargent walks in he gives me a disgusted look, goes over to his seat, looks me up and down and says "Did you seriously gain 14 pounds in 5 weeks??!!" "Ummm, uhhh, well, no, I mean, ummm, no." "well, it says here you did.  How much do you weigh??" I tell him how much the scale said and I did not deduct my pee weight which was obviously uncomfortable but I really had only gained 5.5 pounds which for all other purposes we shall round down to 5.  Its not college folks-I make the rounding rules now.  "He says well that sounds much better but I will have to double check that." I felt like a convicted felon and could not be trusted. 
When the nurse comes bouncing back in all bubbly to poke some RhoGam into my arm, I give her a huge lecture on how we will never be friends if she cannot work on her penmanship.  Doctors can have pitiful writing but nurses cannot.  Critical things like weight should never be messed up, unless in my benefit.  I explained Dr. Drill Sargent takes weight very seriously and I have immense anxiety over our "weight chats" and I do not need her making it worse!  She giggles and pumps me full of drugs and sugar water.  And I miss Blanca.
But-now that all of our big trips are out of the way, I am going to try to focus on eating a little healthier the rest of this pregnancy.  I like to enjoy trips and food but we have had a LOT of trips this summer which means I have enjoyed myself tremendously but its time to start cooking at home and not getting in trouble anymore at the doc!  And don't worry if you are reading this and wondering if I have packed on 80 doc just takes weight very serious for some reason and really wants his patients to gain 25-30 pounds.  No more. No less.  Seriously-I gained 32 with Paige and he gave me a lecture that the extra 2 was fat not baby weight!!  HA! 
*Evidence of why I get in trouble at the doc...
In other news, sorry that story kind of went on forever but I thought Paige and Baby No Name might like to read about it when they are having babies and dreading those scales:)...
We have been working through our list of to do's before baby comes and it is really coming along nicely!  I really need to stop procrastinating cleaning out the girls' room and getting it ready for TWO girls!  Although Baby No Name will not be sleeping in there for some time, we want it ready and make sure everything fits and move some toys to grandma's house so it doesn't feel so cluttered in there!  I am really ready to pack up summer clothes and all the 18-24 month stuff of Paige's so I can make room for her fall clothes and bring down the newborn bin from the attic for sissy!!  But I'm not sure it won't get hot again and Miss P might need her shorts a few more weeks yet. 
The three girls in Denver doing a little shopping!!!  Paige and I are DYING to meet you sweet girl!!  
The past week or two I am really starting to get anxious to meet my new girl.  Even Tyler keeps talking about what she might look like or act like and I'm all giddy to wrap my arms around her and let her meet our little family!  I feel like she will look exactly like Paige, I don't know why but I really can't picture her looking any other way!  But I am so curious about her personality!  Will she be loud and outgoing like Paige and I or a little more reserved and quiet??  She definitely loves Oscar and he loves her--its weird how dogs know there is a baby in your belly but both pregnancies he lays by my belly and both little girls knew he was there and will kick and punch at him the whole time.  I almost feel like I can feel them giggle as they play with him.  I can't ever stop smiling when she does that!  We are a family of dog lovers so I'm glad our new little bundle is no exception! 
I feel like I am leaving something I wanted in here out...but Paige is telling me she needs me to come with her to poop...that is obviously more important folks...until next time.


  1. You look amazing! Can't wait to see you this week. I could NEVER go to your doctor. LOL! I gained 60 lbs with Abigail but only 28 with Ashby. I don't think he'd be to happy with me during my pregnancy. :)

  2. You are oh so entertaining! 25-30 is a completely reasonable weight gain goal for me...if he's talking about the first half of my pregnancies. That's right, I've gained 55lbs with both my kiddos. So grateful my doc never even mentions weight!
