Monday, July 18, 2011

Herb Garden Update Photos!

So the herb garden I put in back at the beginning of April has done SOOOOOO well!!!  In fact, it is by far the most successful and beautiful flowerbed I have ever done.  *That second part doesn't actually mean a whole lot since my gardening experiences are fairly limited BUT I am soooo excited!!  I have dabbled in gardening for the past 4 years since Tyler and I have been married but not until this year have I finally got it kind of figured out. 
We both love this flowerbed so much and even if everyone on the planet thought it was ugly, we would still be soooo happy with it!  To me, it looks like a professional did it!  Probably because I love herbs and the color combination turned out so beautiful!!!  It smells soooo good in the mornings and in the evenings!  The greatest part is 75% of this flowerbed is perennial, meaning these friends will be coming back for FREE next year!! 

Janet bought me a basket of petunias last year for Mother's Day and I fell in LOVE with them!!  They have the best colors, bloom so long, grow and spread so much and are pretty tough cookies!  They like a lot of water but if you are lazy skip a day or two on watering, they will forgive you!  They don't come back but are super cheap and a tiny little plant goes a LONG way!!  If you don't remember how small this garden started, go visit my original herb garden post!  This was by far the easiest one I have put in with the most reward!  I love how the purple ruffle basil is flowering right now and the lavender is getting its flower shoots!!  My jalapeno plants are starting to produce jalapenos and the petunias are just cascading over the bricks! 
I have another flower bed that isn't all original plant scheme just didn't work out...these things happen!  Just like when you bring home an ugly rug...gotta start over.  BUT what I DO love are the Denver Daisies I planted!  Next year I will buy lots more of those and fill in that area.  I love the golden yellow with huge brown centers.  They are plenty tall enough to stand out against my monkey grass border.  We have had a serious weed and grass invasion in this area so we have focused on getting it under control before adding anything else.  I think we've finally got it! 

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