Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Music to my Ears!

Each and every day I count my blessings!  I am thankful for so many things it would take weeks to list them all.  Recently I posted about my favorite things Paige is saying and just since then she is basically saying EVERYTHING we say!  We had a wonderful weekend in Austin with some of our best friends and the guys were teaching Paige words like "Awesome!".  She is doing so well with putting words together and forming some sentences but none more amazing than this.......

We were driving home yesterday and she was singing and dancing in her carseat and it was so funny and I said, "Oh Paige, I just love you SOOOOOOOO much!"  She looked at me and said, "Oh Mommy....I wuv you......much....moon!!!!!"  It was the sweetest thing I have ever heard!  Then she said, "Daddy....wuv you...much!!"  Now every time one of us tells her we love her she says it back!  When I tell her I love her it always includes "so much" or "to the moon!" so she tries to include both!  Last night I told her I loved her so much and she said "moon??" As tears ran down my face I told her of course I loved her to the moon and even farther!! 

Thank you Lord for the most amazing family and friends any girl could ever dream of.  May I be a blessing to the people I surround myself with as they are to me! 


  1. Oh my goodness! I can not think of sweeter words to hear. What a precious gift she is!

  2. She is such a sweet girl..just like her Mommy!! What a blessing both of you are!!
