Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Things I love hearing right now...

I have been preoccupied with other activities, hobbies...life...to blog regularly but I don't want to forget some of these sweet things so here goes.  What paige is saying these days:

Me Mommy (meaning my mommy)
Bye Bye Daddy
Bye Bye Bubba
Duck-quack quack quack
Hi Baby
Thank you
googat (yogurt)
All Done!
Boppy bye bye?? (Is grandpa bye bye?)
Potty, poop, pee pee, diapie
and my personal favorite...

She repeats everything and is putting words together and it is the funniest thing!  I love when she asks me questions she puts her hands in the air, tilts her head and scrunches her eyebrows, showing perfect emotion for the situation!  It is hilarious!  She has a lot of ducks in the bath tub so she is pretty acquainted with that animal and anytime we are out and about and she sees a duck she points, yells "duck" then immediately yells "quack, quack, quack"!  This is such an exciting age.  Learning, exploring, singing, talking...I love being her mommy!

Current faves:

Song:  5 Little Monkeys & If Your Happy and You Know It...
Book:  My First Book of Shapes & Where the Sidewalk Ends
Food:  Cheese, yogurt, gyro sandwiches, bbq
Activity:  Anything outside, playing with babies

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Years Resolutions...

I will first say that I am not a New Years Resolution kind of person...I am however, a "always strive to make yourself better" kind of person.  If you choose to do that on the first of the year, the middle of the year, end of the year...good for you! 
To me, waiting for the first of the year and setting unrealistic, almost unattainable goals for yourself is more damaging than deciding one afternoon you are going to make an effort to do better at something.  Whether it be stop using bad words, making dinner once a week for your family, saving money, exercising...the list goes on.  We all struggle with things so it is good to set goals and making positive changes but make them realistic! 
I recently saw a special on TV about the relationship between the heart and our gums.  This wasn't news to me, I have read and heard a lot about this relationship and find it fascinating.  What was different about this broadcast was that they correlated flossing your teeth actually adds 7 years to your life.  For some reason that is what it took to get me started flossing my teeth religiously every day. 
Don't gross out...I take very good care of my mouth.  I met a hygienist on an airplane several years ago and we had the heart/teeth discussion.  She did emphasize the importance of flossing but also said patients that used a Sonicare toothbrush had almost as healthy teeth/gums as those that brushed and flossed regularly.  I immediately purchased a Sonicare when I got home and continued to dabble in flossing.  I always get great check-ups at the dentist and have healthy teeth so I do believe she is right.  But now that I have heard that 7 year bit (I have no intention in trying to research it and prove it wrong) I have been convinced of the importance of flossing quantitatively.  That's how my brain works folks...
To further help me on this quest, I have a 17 month old mime that does everything I do.  She is obsessed with brushing her teeth and spends more than 2-3 minutes each twice a day session so while she is fighting plaque and gingivitis in her mouth for 15 minutes, I brush, floss, rinse my mouth then clean the bathroom while I patiently wait for her to finish.  It has actually proven to be quite productive to have a little person with teeth! 
As you take on new goals, remember we are only human!  Make it attainable!  Its so much more rewarding to actually succeed!  The older I get the more I realize I probably won't ever be asked to be a guest speaker at a Deliciously Organized conference or pose in a fitness magazine but I do floss my teeth regularly, have my toy situation under control and fix somewhat healthy meals at my house on a semi-regular basis.  So I am content with my efforts! 
Hoping for another 20/20 special on some disease I will get if I don't start washing my face every night before I go to bed...so far in my almost 29 years I haven't found any ill effects of not doing such activity on a regular basis.  I am determined to be a religious face washer by the time I am thirty.  So any antics you can think of to help, feel free to pass along.  It better be good though:) 

P.S. Just for your information...I have never wanted to be a guest speaker at an organization conference or pose in a fitness magazine, just trying to emphasize moderation and make a joke about my lack of organization and exercise regime.